Saturday October 26th At Sea
Today I didn’t do a whole lot of anything, I can’t remember much about it. I’m sure I rested, ate and rested again! I probably did some laundry too.
We had the Banderas (flags) for the ending show, tomorrow starts our final cruise! I then went to watch Javier sing, and he brought 2 cute Spanish boys on stage to join him and sing.
Then he sent them over to me to talk. And they couldn’t speak English, they were only 3 possibly 4. It was very amusing and so cute!!
Sunday October 27th Malaga, Spain
I had to do half of disembarkation duty today. So I started at 745am and finished at 915 and went out with Javier. It was really nice to get out and know I had 4 hours until I had to be back on board. We went to the same café we always go to in Malaga, ate the same breakfast of eggs, bacon and toast and drank coffee. I Skyped Mum and Pops.
A couple of passengers from 3 cruises ago, met with Javier to discuss a business or something. I sat online while they talked for 2 hours. Then we walked around, but they walked so slowly, I had to ditch them and head back to the ship.
We had the last Pax. Drill and the last welcome pool party. Ah it felt so good. During the pool party Silvia had different dancers/animators get on stage to do the dances. It was so fun. Erika, Capello and I did the last one. Twice during the performances the announcement over the PA system interrupted us. Silvia is terrible at hiding her anger and frustration, so she was very annoyed and everyone could see that.
We didn’t have anything else until the run at 6:45. So I slept. Then we did the run for the last time, everyone was filming and taking pictures. Then I made some rolls for dinner after the shows and went to get ready.
We did both of the Welcome shows, for the last time…ever! It was amazing. The energy was really good! One little boy in the front row was so stunned by me. He could hardly contain his excitement. Between the shows, I made a ship to shore call to Ian.
Rocky told me that I had the best figure of all the dancers. He does not speak any Spanish so someone translated for him. He is like the on board Michael Jackson!
After both of the shows, I went upstairs to Formentera because this is the last week I will be able to hear Javier sing live. I stayed for quite a long time.
Then I went to crew bar for a bit and hung out with everyone!
The music was very good and so we were all dancing and having a good time!
6 DAYS!!
Monday October 28th Sea Day
NOTHING…absolutely nothing to do today at all. So I slept until 11:45am. Then I had a cappuccino with Javier in the crew bar and went to eat. After we ate we decided to go to the piscina for a bit, we are very sun deprived. We went upstairs to the passenger area and watched the sea and soaked in some sun for a while then I had another coffee.
When we went inside we watched a movie in English on TV. I have no idea what it was called, which is a shame because I missed the beginning of it. Ryan Gosling was in it and it was very good. I then slept some more.
I had gala…the last gala! YAY!!!
I found out that a lot of these people who work on board have been in jail or been kicked out of America…there are apparently lots of criminals on board. Esh. Good job I’m finding out now!
Tuesday October 29th – Sunday November 3rd, Trapani, Italy, La Valletta, Malta, Messina, Sicily, Cagliari, Sardinia & Malaga, Spain.
This final week was pretty good. We didn’t have any rehearsals, so we were able to spend time out and about. We had the last of each show. It felt so freeing! I kept thinking, ‘that was the last time to wear each costume, to do my makeup a certain way, to do my hair, to take the food after the second show, my final magic show!
Our final White party,
All the shows went well, during the 2nd show each evening the guys did something crazy and funny, we girls didn’t! During Radio Show, the new dancers got up and danced with us. It was so much fun!
We watched a lot of the new cast doing the shows, to support and judge them of course. They were actually very good. They have an exciting new energy, but that’s to be expected when they have only been 3 weeks on board. Just imagine what it will be like in 5 months!
Slava, Roman and Peter got in a fight in the staff mess and it was very uncomfortable. All the men got up itching to join in the fight so I pretended I was getting up to get watermelon.
We were given a model of the Grand Mistral ship as a souvenir. It is terribly heavy for such a surprisingly small item.
I packed my bags when Leechie was not in the cabin because even when she sits on the bed, she somehow takes up the whole cabin! She did the same, packing while I was gone, so when I tried to come back in, I couldn’t even open the door.
After both the Radio Shows, we had to do the staff presentation. It was dreadful because we were all terribly tired and sweaty, but then we had to look nice and fancy to say goodbye to everyone. We had to wash our costumes after Radio Show and the presentation. It was terrible.
We took our luggage to security to get it checked and we had to have everyone from different departments sign our papers.
On the last night we went to the crew bar and it was packed, we couldn’t buy beer because our crew cards were cancelled so we snuggled up to the people who were staying on the ship to buy us one.
We had breakfast for the last time on the ship,
We left the ship on Sunday morning and I checked into my Malaga hotel which was fancy schmancy. I had a room, a bed
all to myself and was in hog heaven!
That afternoon I spent was able to spend time with Javier. It was such a nice surprise, because I thought he was going straight to the airport. We ate lunch and walked around the city. It was so beautiful!
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