A Parable…

Matthew’s re-telling of Jesus’ parable in Chapter 20:1-16, a vineyard owner goes out in the marketplace several times a day to hire labourers who have not yet been chosen.

When it came time to pay his workers for their day’s work everyone receives the same wage.

Those who had worked a full day and those who had scarcely worked an hour.

This causes rumblings in the ranks.

The vineyard owner has something to say to the complainers.

In essence he reminds them it was his money to do with as he chose.

“Why are you complaining about my generosity?  You each agreed to the day’s wage when I hired you so what’s the problem?”

Oh, how I can relate to those labourers who had toiled all day in the heat.  My sense of unfairness is tickled and when asked why, I really can’t come up with an answer that doesn’t sound petty.

So what’s the real problem?

It’s the problem of comparison.  The age old problem of ‘us’ & ‘them.’

As a cradle Christian I’m saved…I’ve lived my whole life in an attempt to be a credit to my Saviour, but there’s no need for that, Christ died for me first.

His gift is free.

So…what if someone has a death bed conversion and is saved at the last minute?  Am I going to complain?  Am I going to think,

‘You’re telling me I could have lived a sinful life and repented with my dying breath and still receive the same reward?’

Perish the thought but you get my drift.

This parable is for Mums everywhere.

When a child questions my generosity towards a sibling, whether I offer emotional, financial or physical support…

they grumble…

out loud…

to me…

and among themselves.

“Why do you do that Mum?” they whine in disapproval.

I reply,

“You should be happy because when your turn comes that’s exactly how I’m going to treat you.”

God gave me what I have because He trusted me with his precious creation,

to love,

to rejoice,

to care,

to worry,

to moan,

to cry

until my heart breaks.

And in the secrets of their lives I draw God closely around them.


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