And Again…

I learned that children are very trusting of all inanimate things, especially furniture.  They climb on chairs set on tables, step stools set in recliners, and the shelves in a pantry, I discovered (not personally mind you), are natural stepping stones to forbidden goodies on the top shelf.  So it came as a surprise, but shouldn’t have, when my youngest son at about four was standing backwards in a chair leaning over to grab at me.  As I swerved to avoid his grasping fingers (I was all dolled up in my evening finery for a dinner party we were going to) the chair toppled, he lost his balance, grabbed the chair back which rebounded back into his chin causing it to split open deeply.  He fell off the chair into my arms and covered my belle of the ball dress in blood.  Forget the dinner party, we were off to the hospital.  Four stitches later he has just added scar number three.

My daughter has scar number four in the same place as scar number three only she was sitting on a step stool eating cheerios from the bottom shelf of the butcher’s block which she used as a table when she was small; it was close to the ground and relatively safe for a glasses toting tot.  The occasion was Thanksgiving and guests were arriving when she slipped from the step stool onto the floor gracelessly glancing off the butcher’s block edge on the way down.  My brave cowboy took this one off to the emergency room for four more chin stitches.  Thanksgiving must go on!

How do children survive to adulthood?

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