Another Move…

Last week weekend saw us close up our third house in a year.

Although I was at peace about each move, my physical body told me otherwise.

Three times in 12 months is rather excessive don’t you agree?

I prepared for a cold, a crashing headache, or an outcrop of skin irritations.

I got a nagging sore throat and blocked ears.  They didn’t stop me from writing or recording my shows or even staying up late.  An allergy tablet did the trick.

I didn’t take many pictures of the house as we were packing up because we were leaving a lot right where it was to be sold and disposed of by two professional estate sale women.

I did get this one of what Hubs’ office looked like in the last days.


Our final weekend at the lake, after dropping my mother-in-law off at her new dwelling in town, was a blessing.

We moved slowly.

On Saturday we took our time to go to mass, to eat dinner and watch the cooking channel together!

On Sunday we packed our belongings, cleaned out the fridge/freezers and took a lingering look through all the cupboards, drawers and rooms just in case something precious was escaping us.

There was a moment when Hubs doubted everything would fit into our car,

“Surely we don’t have that much?”  I asked.

We did,


some of it was to go in storage for Daughts when she moves into her own flat.

Some of it was food and pots and pans for our month in an hotel suite.


Hubs managed to squeeze it all in, including me with a cooler at my feet and a pillow on my seat!


We looked, once again, like the Clampitts, minus Grandma on the roof…but almost!

The blessing was we didn’t have to completely clear out the house or be there for the estate sale this weekend.

It was odd to walk out for the last time leaving furniture in place, cupboards filled with glasses and beds made!

That’s how the ladies wanted it so we complied.

Next week the ranch, home to my mother-in-law for 30 years and me for 5 months, will belong to the bank.



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