Barbie Is The New Cute…

As I was preparing to key in my code and program the speed I may want to achieve the next time I darkened the Y doors, I heard someone say, loudly enough to be heard above the clunking of feet on the treadmills behind us,

“Well aren’t you cute.  Would you look at Barbie here!”

I looked around hoping to catch sight of my nemesis, and saw no-one who looked anything like Barbie.  My trainer smiled and tilted his chiseled chin in the direction of a gasping woman on the machine alongside mine.  She looked straight at him,

“She doesn’t look as if she’s here to work up a sweat, does she?  Look at her!” she panted.

Yes, she was definitely the one passing the loud comments.  Her last words were said in accompaniment with a grand gesture towards me.

Okay my sweat suit was pink, which I had been told is the new black, and was daintily trimmed in satin, my t-shirt was black and close fitting, my hair was long, loose, squeaky clean and smelled delicious and I did have a smidgen of make-up on.  But my tennies were old and scuffed although I don’t think anyone’s eyes got that far down my torso.  Fabian smiled weakly at me and said,

“I think Amy is trying to give you a hard time!”  master of the understatement.

“Really?”  I thought.

Well… I was excited!  I had never been called, Barbie, before and at my age, it was thrilling!  Thanks sweaty lady, you really made my day!

Barbie….?  Huh…..Where’s a mirror so that I can memorize the look and replicate it another day.  Barbie…..Oh me….!

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