Blocked Creek…

I walked a visiting friend to look at the water in our bottom lands and noticed that although the flooding of a few days ago had subsided the creek was still full to the brim and not moving.


It was blocked upstream.

As I followed it towards my front gate I could hear it burbling merrily along.

The trick was to find out where exactly the obstruction was so we can isolate the problem and bring in some tractors to clear the natural dam.

Listen to us country folk talking!

Hubs made some calls to the county, talked to someone from the Corps of Engineers and finally got in his car to locate the other plots of land bordering the opposite side of the creek.  Because we are now landowners and it bounds our property on two sides the responsibility for its welfare falls to us, and hopefully a couple of adjoining owners.

“If our neighbors sit on 80 acres what are the chances they ever visit their bottomlands?” I asked, “They may be completely oblivious to the fact that their creek is no longer merrily flowing along.”

Then a neighbor from across the way came a-knocking, took a gander and told us,

“I’ll get my boy scout troop to come up this weekend and clear it for you…no worries!”

My imagined hoard of feasting mosquitoes fled before his promising words.

“I’m so glad we’ve finished our screened in back porch though,” I breathed with a sigh of relief, “just in case we need it!”



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