Breakfast with Marge…

We went to town for Daughts’ birthday.  This was to be her first not spent under our roof.  We spent it under hers instead.

She made us lunch, for me a delicious, leafy salad and fruit, which I raved about, and for her Dad a hotdog.

We are easy to please.

In the evening we went out with respective friends.  I had to have fish and chips, I was missing the local chippy in Beckenham, she had to go Country and Western dancing, I don’t quite know what she was missing.

Her friend from Blooming Grove came in for the festivities and the following morning we hosted Breakfast with Marge.

Luckily it wasn’t really early so became more of a brunch featuring eggs, bacon, sausage, toast & Marmite, (Yes!  Marge said it tasted “OK!”) and cafetieres full of coffee.

Marge has horses, which Daughts and I have ridden and fallen off.  We have a standing agreement with her that as soon as we have grown up and left home we will buy enough land to pasture her horses so I can enjoy the idyllic view without the upkeep.

Yes, I know those aren’t horses but you get my drift!

While eating brunch she noticed my Well Heeled Stranger’s chandelier made of tea-cups and saucers.  It is cutesie not her style at all,

“I know someone with a chandelier made of beer bottles,” she said.

“You would!” I answered laughing out loud.

She told us about breaking horses and how she halters the new foals the moment they stand.  Hubs had visions of little, bitty, halters so small he wondered,

“Do you have one hanging on your rear view mirror in your truck?”

Marge told us about country and western dancing and how she declines invitations from cowboys who can’t dance!  Marge explained the art of leaning into your partner, not being afraid to touch and letting him do the leading.  Apparently it has become quite an art, like ballroom dancing.

Texas A & M have a team called The Aggie Wranglers.  I might have known!

She’s a tough rancher who weighs in at 80lbs, with a flawless complexion and long blonde hair.  Too long and blonde for her liking…she’s such a dude!


Yes, I know, those aren’t horses either!



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