Bro-Mates Friends Style…

To say two of my children identified with the TV series, Friends, would be an understatement.

They quote it at each other, they watch it time and again and they’ll call me “Pheebs” in passing which goes right over my head,

“Never mind Mum, it was from Friends!”

When my oldest son moved into his own apartment I was so worried he would think that living alone would be like the series that I warned him,

“Just because you’re moving into your own place doesn’t mean you’ll have all the fun those characters have…

“Their’s is a television show, your’s is real life!”

“Oh….My….God! I know Mum!!” he said in a nasally voice and rolled his eyes in that special way young people have perfected.

And now who has egg on her face?

My oldest son, the film maker  and youngest daughter, the dancer, moved in together last year and from the get go, according to Daughts, they were going to make it work,


Even though when she moved in she had her,

“I don’t need a job, I don’t need my parents, I’ve got great Boots’ Boots!”  stolen right from under her nose in the front lobby!

“We were determined to be real life Ross and Monica, from Friends,” she told me and for those of you completely in the dark…

(…you mean I’m the only one?)

Ross and Monica were friends on the series, Friends, and…

Brother and Sister!

Ian and Malia were hell bent on bringing the series to life, to real life!

Luckily they each had their own facility so one didn’t drive the other insane by using the bathroom too much…

…for his hair!

Half way through the lease,

“How you doin?”

And according to a reliable source, it totally worked!

Last month their 7 months sibling-bliss  came to an end.

Film Maker son moved to L.A.,


to seek his fortune…

and Dancer Daughts moved to somewhere North of Dallas,


to seek hers…

On the day their lease expired they cleaned out their apartment and struck some final poses,


How does she do that?

Just in case they forget the address of this bonded time together,


Aw, Pheebs!

“We were on a break!” they claimed!

Hear about how they made it work on my Radio Show!  this Friday!

“Aw, Pheebs.”
“Honey, that’s your name…”
“That’s short for Phoebe?  I thought that’s just what we called each other!”

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Larry Cheek

2014-07-02 02:25:58 Reply

Aren’t kids great, you can’t live with them and you can’t turn them out. You have to wait until they escape on their own terms. Best to them both.


    2014-07-02 03:51:58 Reply

    Thanks…we made all those interesting choices too didn’t we?!!

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