Finding Peace in the Ordinary…

In my homeless state I am getting quite adept at conforming to a space that does not belong to me.

At my main stay-at-place I have an uncluttered, physical spot, made even less busy by the removal of a trundle bed last week, which used to serve as my desk return.

Here I can close my door, light a candle and enter my world of meditation, prayer and words.

When I’m away a calm, simple wall display will do.


However not every place has an uncluttered physical spot so I have to reach inside myself and find the peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7) within my heart where Jesus lives and close my eyes to the chaos that abounds.

However, this takes practise and isn’t always rewarding as far as creativity goes, so I’m learning to let myself off the hook and take a few days off from the writing.

In a new environment I can always pray, finding peace in the ordinary,


I occasionally fit in a yoga class and I sometimes manage a walk, but I don’t beat myself up about slacking off…I do enough to keep on form when I’m not traveling.

This past week I had to break out my computer and write something, not a lot, I’d done the hard part, all I had to do was edit.

I tried to work on top of the clutter in a little space called The Saddle Room.


I found I couldn’t move my elbows so I re-located the piles of papers to a chair and the floor to make room for my MacBook Pro, a note pad and a pencil.

Looking around from my clearing I once again vowed to simplify so my children one day, would not have to sift through what had been important to me.


I want all my left overs to be meaningful, to have a story and a reason for being.  For this to happen I will have to share the back story (to use theatre-speak).

And if there isn’t one then I will decide what to do with it, no tears, no remorse just a lightening of the load.

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