Flock of Blackbirds…

My office roof is tin. It sounds tin at least.  I’m guessing it’s metal.

When the rain patters on it I am taken back to holidays spent by rainy seasides in England in our caravan.  A cozy, family- togetherness-sound even if my brother and I  weren’t always the best behaved children in the world!

Today I heard sounds like heavy hail on the roof.  Much, much more than the drop of pecans as squirrels scamper back and forth during the summer, dropping nuts along the way.

I looked at the pool, not a ripple on its surface but there were birds everywhere.  Had it been a brilliant, sunny day they would have darkened the skies.  As it was they blended rather well with the already gloom.


The noise was deafening as they flocked on the bare trees.  Crowds of them coming in for the meeting.


Their branch landings knocked every seed pod and loose twig off the tree overhanging my office, hence the noise on the roof.

I had to go out and witness the din coming from the flock of blackbirds, first hand!  It was deafening!






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