Footlights After the Rain…

So much to see after a week of rain at Footlights…

Too many inches to keep track of

the aftermath of stormy weather somewhere.

Paper soft mushrooms cluster in the grasses,


another fungi, only this one rock hard on the side of a tree,


complete with Sophie’s Snail.

Blooming below the fungi ledge, mini-replicas burst upon the bark giving it the unshaved look of morning bristles.


 A frog blends perfectly with the rock it sits on un-movingly.


A feast for a bird if spied.

The creek now a deep, swirling, body of water, races down to a neighbor’s lake to join the run-off game.


Another mushroom resembles a flower by dint of its serrated edges, layered surface,


and pretty pink tinge.

I’m not fooled into gathering it to sit alongside my tomatoes and bacon at breakfast time.  I’ve never foraged and don’t feel inclined to now!

No group of trees or puffs of cloud would be complete without faces being found aloft.

Here’s Footlights’ offering complete with attitude shades hovering on his forehead and pursed lips below.


Isn’t he bodacious?

Footlights after the rain is magical;

Filled with natural reminders that God surrounds me



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