Giant Sunflowers…

I have a lot of sunflowers that grew from last years’ seeds in my little flower and herb bed.  The blooms are small but they are leggy, reaching as high up to the sun as they can.

I saw a patch of giant sunflowers on the Celina Garden Tour at the beginning of June and I asked the lady who owned the property if I could have a few seeds to start my own patch,

“I have several dead heads in the bed, I’ll leave them for you to come and cut.”

Hubs and I set out one day to collect the flower heads packed with seeds.


We came home with five and my son said,

“There’s probably 5,000 seeds there!”

I’ve a while to decide where to plant them next year, maybe at the entrance to our property.

In the meantime they are drying in my garage, carefully covered so that the nesting birds don’t get them.

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