At the beginning of October Harvest Festival takes place when we offer the first fruits and thank God for a productive year…share our wealth.
At St. George’s the wealth is shared today with grocery bags full of shopping, not crops straight from the field. It is very easy to provide food for the central pantry, easier than giving time but a necessary piece of the puzzle.
The church is decorated with greens and flowers from parishioner’s gardens,
about twenty beautiful arrangements are placed around the sanctuary for us to enjoy for a couple of weeks.
Some of the dried flowers, Chinese lanterns and honesty,
hydrangea heads and variegated foliage,
last for a long time.
The oranges and yellows echo colours from outside,
while loaves of bread and bottles of wine add to the warmth and welcome St. George’s always offers.
Not all the trees are changing colour yet, they take it in turn, slowly, causing natural fires to burn for several weeks along our roads and pathways, in our gardens, glimpsed from the train windows as we speed past the heady reds, coppers and ochres.
In Beckenham Place Park, treading gently in the mud, I catch sight of a blaze of yellow,
a burst of leafy sunlight glowing in the drizzle.
My feet stumble on the wild chestnuts littering the ground, buried in the wet earth making the woodland path less treacherous.
They are just asking to be roasted…
A mushroom sits with strewn acorns artlessly scattered to draw the eye to its singular beauty.
The rain falls softly releasing the earth’s succulent secrets in a rich and subtle fragrance that lifts my spirit to abandonment as I inhale the pungency of nature’s homage to harvest.
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