Jobs get in the Way….



A lot of the time the content of my Word Press Continuing Ed. college class goes over my head.

Last night did not disappoint.  Talk of digital fields and RSS feeds was threatening to lull me to sleep.  I couldn’t stare out of the window, it was dark, so I did my next favourite thing, I read a fellow classmate’s blog.

Before reading the post I had never rationalised my ability to be magnificently disciplined about what I do when I am not even being held accountable!

After reading the post I realised I do, like the author, honour my personal activities and hobbies as if they were my paying jobs!

Why else would I get up at the crack of dawn to take a gruelling yoga class in the privacy of my own home with no witnesses to my practice…in order to be at my desk by 9am?!

I used to work for corporate America before the homeschooling bug hit me like a ton of bricks.  I only missed work when I found myself to be pregnant, again and again, and had to take maternity leave!

Today, on the verge of empty nest and without a paying job, I find I am exhausted at the end of the week with my self imposed demands.  I am quite the task-master.

I have to sit myself down sometimes and make me take a break at the weekend.  That’s where all those extra hours live!

There aren’t enough moments in my day to do everything I must, dawn devotions and journalling, morning yoga, afternoon walks, evening cooking and baking, against a backdrop of writing, broadcasting, tweeting and blogging, intermingled with entertaining and ministering to friends, making sure I’m available for my children when they come seeking advice or bearing laundry and of course lunching with hubs everyday!

The list is endless and doesn’t even include shopping, television, movies, theatre, art galleries or Facebook.

On reflection I believe I have been allocated far fewer hours in my day than some of my contemporaries and guests I talk to on my Radio Show.  Consequently I use my time wisely, at least that’s what I call it.  Those nearest and dearest to me ask,

“Do you ever stop?!”

Years ago I wrote that having a job got in the way of life and I was able to do something about it.

Earning money is a bit of a killjoy too.  My youngest son has the right idea,

“Self sufficiency Mum, the only way to go.”  He’s twenty-something.

I voted early yesterday and thought how lucky I was to be able to make these choices.

I stayed at home, raised my children and am now spending eight hours a day writing: my book, my show, my blogs, my poetry and my essays.

I feel privileged to be a conscientious steward of the time I have been given.

The time that I was gifted with…if not short changed on!

And I am blessed with a supportive husband who agrees that nurturing my passions brings sanity, if not always a bulging bank account, and somewhat of a peaceful existence.

Soon I’ll have enough words to sell if anyone’s interested?


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Elizabeth Fairchild

2012-11-03 12:22:20 Reply

I like your blog. With your subject in mind I think you might like one of my posts from last year. See you soon.

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