More on Dahlin’…

In September this year we kept our neighbour’s Jack Russell for about ten days…

She reminds me so much of one of my parents’ dogs that I find myself doing a double take when I go into a room and see her sparked out on the terracota tile.

One of the new tricks she’s learned since we had her last was to sit up and ask for a treat.

All we have to do is say,

“Look adorable…”

And she does.


Ten days is rather a long time and we were able to get into quite a routine.

I was up and out at 6am for my long walk and on that first morning I wondered if she had the stamina to complete the four miles.

I needn’t have worried.

With the wise old dog, Charli, as a companion she never missed a beat as they trotted happily along together.

At other times of the day we made do with strolling down the driveway to the mailbox,

or puddling in the potholes filled with rainwater.

At first I’d let her run off her lead dashing hell for leather through the tall grassy fields making me laugh with delight as she all but flew past me.

As time went on she grew more comfortable with her surroundings and ran bigger and bigger circles, disappearing in copses for seconds at a time.

I grew worried that I’d lose her on my watch so I curtailed her free-for-all romps through the grass.

She had to be content with the length of her leash.

At night I let Hubs take her out; since she’s white and shows up in the dark I think of her as coyote bait;

It makes me nervous!

When I’m inside she performs quickly for Hubs, all the quicker to get back to me for her bedtime treat.

Her Mum told me she is training her with a clicker so that she knows to come back when she hears a sharp whistle.

Now all I have to do is learn how to whistle sharply!




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