My Russian Blue…

I knew when Shadow performed little head-over-heels’s in my lap as a kitty-witty, brand new to our barn, that he was special.


He’d run to greet me when I went to visit,

Jump on my lap,

Snuffle my face,

Beg for his tummy to be rubbed,

Keep his claws sheathed just in case he scratched me,

and made sure he never nipped me when I hand fed him his treats.

He just wanted to be loved.


When he moved inside the big house I re-eforced his barn behavior of making a mad dash to my side with  whatever he had been playing with in his mouth, be it a flower, leaf, mouse-piece or pebble and dropping it delicately at my feet.

I played fetch with him.

I’d throw toy mice down the length of the kitchen and here you can see video of him retrieving it time and time again!

I had a visitor one morning and she asked,

“Is he a Russian Blue?”

I shook my head and replied,

“Just a barn cat mix lucky enough to live the life of Riley indoors with me.”

But her comment piqued my curiosity because he did have a beautiful coat and that siamese shaped face that makes him look at once stern and inquisitive.


I went on-line and there he was!

Apart from the white on his belly he is the unmistakable blue color of the Russian.

His personality matched the breed’s ‘very loving enjoying a game of fetch’ personality and I am quite chuffed!

His very distinguished dad, or granddad or great-great-granddad must have escaped one night to make the rounds of the local Queens and now there are several gorgeous versions of this natural breed beauty controlling rodents in our neighbors’ barns.

He no longer lives the life of Riley, it’s now the privileged life of the royals at Footlights, shared with his brother by another mother.

Shads7The other day he brought his empty water bottle into the kitchen where I was cooking,


and dropped it unceremoniously in front of me.


His look said,

“Fill ‘er up Mum!”

I’m in love with Russian Blues!

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