My Yoga Mat & Prayer…


My Yoga mat is really my prayer mat and I enjoy it whether the sun shines or not because the light of inspiration is always present in the gentle poses and shapes I make while following the instructions of my on-line Yogis.

This week we have been exploring strength and softness.

I was to get in touch with my core and we’re not talking about crunches…

I was to find the quality of trust and presence within myself that is unshakable

I was to become aware of a specific area I wanted to focus on

I was to breathe a whole world of space around that one point

I was to visualise the strength at the centre and the softness around the edges, the space around my core.

I thought of my faith in God and visualised it as the centre of my being.

Around that centre I imagined a bubble of space protecting my unshakable faith from life when it appears to get in the way.

This space will allow the interruptions and the questioning without compromise.

And so we spent the hour concentrating on a part of our belly just around the navel as being the unshakable core that had to be held strong.  The rest of the belly was to remain soft.

This was a physical challenge but it delivered the internal message loud and clear.

I could be strong in one thing, as strong as a diamond say, and as long as I could hold onto that strength the rest of me could soften up without losing the rock solid foundation of my belief.

My diamond, protected by the space of softness around it, would grow stronger because it would always be there safely nestled in the softness of space which was my very human life.

And as a Christian I find these little life lessons very helpful as I make journey.

And this lovely book I am reading is on exactly the same page as me as far as tapping into another belief system!

“The purpose of Buddhism is not to convert people.  It is to give them tools so they can create greater happiness.  So they can be happier catholics, happier atheists, happier Buddhists.”  (The Dalai Lama’s Cat by David Michie p31-32)


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