Practicing Patience…

Our Advent meditation this year has been about Practicing Patience…


About letting go of the instant gratification that runs rampant today in a culture that glorifies immediate satisfaction.

Learning to delay gratification…

Learning to practice patience…

Learning to wait…

Learning to walk away from the crowd.


A counter-cultural concept especially at this time of year when the world encourages us to eat more, do more, drink more, party more and buy more…NOW.

Advent calls us to slow down so we can make choices that will help us prepare for the coming of the Christ Child.

The most compelling practice that has come out of this Advent Devotion for me is the realization that being patient…


Slowing down…



Is a choice.

So, for the past three weeks and for another week to come I have been trying to make a conscious decision to be still,


With steadfast support from Hubs.

This morning I was prompted by these words,

“Whatever I pay attention to will grow…”

My tomatoes in the kitchen window,

My relationships with my four grown children,

My friendships,

My irritation with politicians,

My desire for all things chocolate,

My love of the Blue-Eyed Cowboy,

My hope to keep my heart healthy with regular Yoga and walks.

Whatever I pay attention to…

Will grow.

This week, when I catch myself finding fault, I grab the scruff of my neck, give myself a little shake and remind me,

To appreciate what is good about everyone I,

Think of,


Live with,

Work beside,


And simply adore,


By paying attention to what I appreciate about that other person

I have found my resolve and gratitude towards him or her has grown.

I recognize it as Grace.

By paying attention to what delights me


about that other person,

I have found my tolerance overflows and spreads to the corners of my ordinary life.

By slowly looking towards the Nativity,


I have found I can bless those I encounter and glorify the Lord.

And December 25th will be the beginning of twelve remarkable days on my Christian calendar.


Jesus is well worth waiting for.

Who am I to imagine I can hasten His coming with my impatience?

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