Rejoice, Pray, Give Thanks…

On reading these verses, written by St. Paul, I am struck by the sense that they were written specifically for today.  That’s one of the most amazing features of the Bible, its applicability.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16)

I don’t want to sound like a bible thumping Evangelist but as I’m surrounded by proof of a Divine Creator, plainly evident in the natural world around me, I can truthfully say that even if I don’t get down on my knees and close my eyes, or wave my arms and shout ‘Alleluia!’

I rejoice, I pray, I give thanks, while going about my day.

Sometimes all I have to do is round a corner or look up to be startled into an open-mouthed gasp.

These chicks, five of them, no longer able to hide in their nest, are waiting expectantly for Mum or Dad to come and feed them.

I had to gesture to the table I’d just been serving with wine and have them stand with me,


“They look as if they’re about to topple out any minute…” I commented quite tickled by the sight.

At Footlights one morning I was trimming back my hardy Agave Americana that blooms every now and again- and pierces my legs most days if I walk too close- I found a young version of my favorite spider busy at his zig-zag web deep in the foliage.


I stopped mid-clip to focus my camera and capture the moment before sitting back on my haunches to watch him busily at work for his mate.

Along the paved part of Rigsby Lane I caught a field just as nature’s lighting cue completed.

The layers of colour, as far as my eye could see, were stunning,

“What a designer…” the stage manager in me thought as I rested mid-jog to soak up the beauty of a live Van Gogh painting.

From Provence to Weston.


I walk early these days; pre-dawn is a much more pleasant time than the mid 90’s of a June afternoon.

I’d noticed the red tint across my property as I was leaving, the clouds flecked with orange and pink announcing the arrival of the sun.

As I passed a distant stand of trees I came to a gap and my peripheral vision caused me to pause and watch as it slowly ascended.

It slipped unhurriedly through the haze and I held my breath afraid that any noise from me would send it scurrying back below the horizon.

I could do nothing more than stare wide-eyed at its overt entrance onto the morning stage.


What more can I say that hasn’t already been said?

By looking, watching and paying attention to the world around me,

I rejoice, I pray, I give thanks,

for the daily outpouring of unconditional love from my Creator.






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