We have a small, pine settle that sits by our back door and gathers items to go back into the garage or out to the barn or down to the mail box at the bottom of our drive.
You know, one of those catchall places.
Shadow, the Russian-Blue-mix, loses himself among the waiting items, keeping a close watch on the back door.
FOMO Daughts calls it!
I call it Opportunity Knocks.
When we enter the kitchen after being out Hubs and I squeeze in through the door knowing full well that Shads will be there poised to dart!
If truth be known he’s quick and could escape if he really put his mind to it but I don’t think he’s too keen to re-acquaint himself with life on the other side.
But we’re not taking any chances.
I’ve already threatened him that if he pulls that trick around here there’ll be No Coming Back.
I crack myself up sometimes!
For a while we had a small box with a couple of shirts folded into it to be mailed to Perripoppins.
Shadow took up position snuggled on top of the shirts, his paws neatly tucked under him, his tail curled around his body,
“I’m USPS ready,” his demeanor seemed to say, “Wherever this goes, I go…”
We mailed the articles of clothing in a padded envelope and left the box for him.
I labelled it and waited days for the Kodak moment.
And because he’s a cat I waited a long time! Ho…Hum…
This afternoon as I walked into the kitchen I heard loud purring coming from beside me,
There he was looking absolutely adorbs.
He thought so too and posed!
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