Social Media Up Close and Personal…

I noticed people tweeting in person!

On the streets of New York showgirls, dressed up from Chicago, giving out flyers for their show, executing a step or two, singing and inviting us to come and see for ourselves.

Business men handing out cards for a comedy show, catching my eye, smiling, making me laugh, inviting me to redeem my coupon tonight!

They were socially interacting face to face!

I wonder how many customers they draw for every 10 eye contacts?  I wonder if they can track their success?

In cyberspace I average ten hits a tweet.

We saw the naked cowboy in the snow touting nothing but himself.

He was surrounded by a gaggle of women wanting to know if he was cold and snapping photos and stuffing money into his pockets…no, he was naked, I wonder where they were stuffing their money?  One lady reached out and touched his bare bicep to feel if he was chilly, he wasn’t!

Not a goosebump in sight!

And sorry, no photos for this post!

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