Surpassing all Understanding…

God messages me in many ways…

When I take my mind off

my fears,

my doubts,


He whispers serenity into my spirit and shows me a playfully overgrown meadow.


When I reflect upon His word

and lean on His promises for my fragile life,

He sighs comfort into the silence of my heart with an early morning web precariously perched, jewel-like, on the morning dew.


When I am present,

completely listening with an open heart,

He murmurs tranquility into my core and leaves bouquets of purple flowers for me along the wayside.


When I forget to include Him in my plans

and my dreams come tumbling to the ground,

He breathes hope into my grieving soul with His showy display of the afternoon sky.


When the darkness encumbers me

and I lose my way,

He speaks encouragement into my being with a blushing sky and I see His world through rose colored glasses!


God’s glory surpasses all understanding and will guard my heart and my mind…(Phillipians 4:7)

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2019-05-20 14:46:53 Reply

And Mine as well?

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