The Ordinariness of Life…

Today is my 27th wedding anniversary!


“Dang, that’s a long time, wasn’t it just your 25th…two years ago?”  Malia’s math is spot on!

More accurately it is our 27th wedding anniversary and we are looking at the photograph of us on that lovely day, gathered around the register, pens poised over the license,  smiling for the camera.  Behind those innocent smiles we were oblivious to what was to come.

Paris asked me yesterday,

“If we knew what was going to happen to us in the future do you think we would live our lives differently?”

This is not an easy question to answer because if that knowledge was universal all of us would behave differently and in the end life would still take its twists and turns.  But it is a good mulling topic for hot chocolate and toasted crumpets on a long, cold, winter’s evening…so let’s put it in the mull box.

Instead we’ll return to the photograph taken more than a quarter of a century ago with the promise of ten thousand tomorrows dancing in our eyes.

Little did we know what lay ahead to test our vows,

The newborn’s cry at 3am

The wailing toddler in church

The snap of a bone breaking two days before Christmas

The unrecognizable face of a child who has fallen onto a concrete step

The fury of siblings fighting

The emptiness of a deserted bedroom

The wrench of a heart breaking

The grief of loss

The angst-filled teen years

Empty nest

and cement our promise,

The start of waking after an undisturbed night

Delighted giggles

The sound of first words

The brightness of a smile

Unsteady footsteps

The loss of a tooth

Unlimited hugs and kisses

Four fabulous humans

The sweetness of youth

to love within the ordinariness of life.

We look at a photograph of us, on the iPod, taken today in front of our favourite landmark, Big Ben, only to notice the promise of another ten thousand tomorrows slow dancing in our eyes.

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