The Stranger Who Dwells Amongst Us…

As my children started to toddle and understand what I was talking about I taught them about strangers.  Initially only one child fell into this category and I was advised by books written by experts, and well meaning friends not to frighten him.  They told me I didn’t want to scare him to the extent that he dared not venture through the garden gate.  This was sound advice when I was dealing with just one child, when all four were at the age where they could fully understand my admonitions not to go anywhere with anyone they did not know I began to feel differently.  For some reason their different personalities spawned invincibility, even at two they did not believe  anything bad could happen to them.

I felt I really had to strike terror into their souls  so that they would not wish to venture out alone no matter the lure.  Now that we are in the cyber age if they are cautious about venturing outside alone they can be caught inside on the web and by the television that friendly, innocuous,  stranger who dwells amongst us  and whom every parent welcomes with open arms.

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