TMI/Faux pas…

Dinner was not quite ready and the conversation was lagging so I innocently asked if he was an only child since it was obvious that his potential date was not…?

“I thought I was,” he said, “for 17 years,” audible intake of breath, from all of us, as we gave him our undivided attention.

” and then my mother and I found out that my father had a whole other family in West Texas where he goes on business trips once a month.”

Whoah!  TMI.  Not exactly small talk.  He turned a delightful shade of crimson under our collective undivided gazes and the flow of conversation ground to a halt.  We all silently whistled a happy tune inside our heads.

At the table we tried mightily to include him in our conversation but our verbal sparring did not go well for him, you know how it is when the whole family gets together; we who’ve known each other forever?  The overlapping, intertwining, and interrupting, nature of our discourse had his head spinning.  It also took away his appetite because he did not eat as he promised to.  In the end the poor boy put his head down and said,

“I am so confused!”

My youngest was not impressed.

Here endeth potential date number one.

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