What is God Doing?…

I have been researching some potential guests for my show and have happened upon a group of women who are furthering the Kingdom of God on earth.  My efforts pale against theirs and so I am becoming guilty of comparison.

What is God doing?”  is a question from Henry Blackaby’s book, Experiencing God,  that Tricia Goyer, my guest this Friday, explored as a writer.


This could mean,

“Is God ignoring me because I don’t hear Him much these days?!”

Tricia explains it to mean,

“Let me take a look at what God’s doing and join Him before I commit to what I want to do!”

I think I’m walking by my Lord’s side but when I read about and listen to these faithful women I wonder if I am doing what I want to do…because what I have done and am doing gives me so much pleasure?  The Roman Catholic in me raises her head and says,

“Doing God’s will shouldn’t be fun or easy!”

My guest, Sarita Holzmann, last week said,

“Our heart is changed when we give.”  We feel better knowing we are furthering God’s Kingdom on earth.

Comparing myself to others and wondering if I’m doing all I can for God in light of those I meet is dangerous…I know that and am the first to caution against it.

God is using me where I am right now.  First and foremost I am a wife, a mother next, a sister, an aunt, a friend.  I am not a nun, or single or a preacher or a doctor, I’m not a missionary, well, maybe I am a missionary in my ordinary life when I walk the talk, so there goes that one!

I am a homeschooler, Michael Donnelly from HSLDA once asked me, while I was interviewing him,

“How did you know that what you were doing was the right thing to do?”

It is difficult to put in words the feeling of  joy and peace I had every day of my fourteen years of homeschooling. I knew I was in the right place doing what God wanted me to do for my children’s lives.  It wasn’t easy, I put my life on hold as I gave it to my children.

God showed me what He was doing and invited me to join Him.

I homeschooled amid unemployment and no matter how many times I was chided, by family and friends, to get a job to support my husband (no mention that he should get a job to support me…although he tried…just that no-one phrased it that way!)  I never did and we didn’t lose our house or go without food or anything we needed.

I joined God on that one too!

Today when I ask,

“What is God doing and how can I join Him?”

I wonder how he will use the skills I have today, so many more than before my homechooling experiences.  I haven’t seemed to be doing very much for either of us recently and absolutely nothing compared to…but I mustn’t compare myself to anything else, unless it be a rose!

During my year here in England I was open to anything asked of me…I came to care for my mother, prepared to nurse her to death which I did.  I applied to teach in schools around the neighbourhood, no response.  I offered my volunteer services at church, not even a thank you!

So, I laid low, I prayed and worshipped and enjoyed the singing.  My soul became quiet in preparation for what?  I am excited to discover.

I feel God’s touch in so many moments of my day.  He is teaching me something, grooming me, I don’t have the assignment yet but I read His instruction manual daily.

So what is God doing?  What is He up to?  Whatever, I’m ready to join Him, for,

“Christ has no body now but yours

No hands no feet on earth but yours

Yours are the eyes with which he sees

Yours are the feet with which he walks

Yours are the hands with which he blesses all the world

Yours are the hands

Yours are the feet

Yours are the eyes.”

Teresa of Avila.


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