What’s in a Name…

A representative from a Christian charity for the poor came to speak at our church.  She gave us statistics about the numbers of poor children in ours and the surrounding parishes.  I was astonished.  But what upset me the most was when she said some of the young children started school without even knowing their names.

One of our bible readings had been about God calling Samuel.  Samuel certainly knew his name for he got up three times thinking it was Eli calling.

This lady, who was speaking on behalf of the local poor, told us how important our names were.  Of course we knew this and didn’t think about it too often, until we learned there were children in our town who may not know their names.

She said she was sure we remembered when our priest, especially in a congregation as large as ours, called us by name the first time.

This resonated with me for our priest had recently done just that with us as he shook our hands at the door after mass.

“He knew our names,” I commented as we made our way through the graveyard.  Of course we knew his and used it often but this time he used our names too.

We were transformed from un-noticed pew warmers to named members of his flock.

We invited him for coffee and a piece of cake a few weeks later and further cemented a more personal relationship.

The mother, whose child did not know her name on her first day of school, said,

“She don’t talk to me, I don’t talk to her.”

Happily this is a rare situation, but a true one nonetheless.

One’s name, my name, is very important to me.  It gives me an identity, tells me I am noticed, special, cared for, perhaps even loved!

Today at the peace the man in front of us, whom we did not know, turned and said,

“Peace Larry, peace Vivienne,”  we said, “Peace…”  and hubs turned to me,

“He knew our names!”

We heard his name used later, Derek.  We will use it next time.

I am good with faces but now that I have realised the power behind folk taking the time to learn my name I am going to become good with names too.

Our name is an important part of who we are, let’s never forget that and extend to everyone we meet the respect of using their name appropriately.



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