Wild Plums…

I have a few fruit trees over by the barn where we are putting the finishing touches on the mews.

I walked over to check on their growth and was surprised to see windfalls from the plum tree.

I picked some of them up and tentatively bit into one thinking they were too small to be anywhere near ready although they were a beautiful color.


It tasted delicious so I gathered what I could into a basket and was reminded of the Easter Sundays of my childhood when everywhere I looked there was another egg…


I took them up to the house to pit them and made a small compote with brown sugar and wine, very sharp and delicious on a Hob Nob, or any kind of plain biscuit.

Our friend and builder said the fruit was ready, rains had sped up the ripening,

“Lie a tarp on the ground and shake the branches and you’ll get a downfall of fruit,” he suggested.


We decided hand picking was more efficient because shaking caused some of the unripe fruit to fall too.

We made jam, guessing for most of the process, without scales to gauge the weight.

It turned out remarkably well since plums already contain plentiful amounts of pectin and it set firm and clear.

Fruit2My little tree is groaning under the weight as it hangs heavily close to the ground.

My birding son and I picked dozens last night in the fading light and carried them home for jam making.

I’m off to pick some more before I leave for Florida, it has been years since I’ve harvested fruit from my own tree.

Truly God’s natural bounty,


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2015-06-12 13:11:04 Reply

Yes, they do look like Easter Eggs in a basket and they are delicious!

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