
Since arriving in England ten months ago I have not had to use my twice a day inhaler.

For many years in Texas I’ve been a regular user of Advair.  It appears my teenage asthma came back to suck all the air out of me!

For a few weeks now I’ve been feeling tired when out walking.

We do live up a hill, but I’ve done the walk so many times that I have got used to it and many’s an evening I’ve felt very light and springy coming up the road.

But not so recently.

There has been no wheezing.  My legs have felt tired, in fact my whole body has felt as though I could just lie down right there, in the middle of the pathway and refuse to go any further.

With the emphasis on breath in my yoga classes I decided that perhaps an inhaler may be just what my body was after.  Not enough fresh oxygen to circulate to all my limbs.  I was thinking pro-actively before passing out!

Between my mother’s inhalers and the ones I brought from America there was quite a selection.  I rummaged around in the kitchen cabinets and came up with several; all in date too.

I inhaled twice on one of the preventers and waited for relief.

Sure enough 6 hours later I was feeling less tired.

The overwhelming desire to take a nap mid morning left me!

I continued taking it for a another day and I am happy to report that the walk up the hill is again a breeze!

Today my hubs came along for the trek.  We headed to the ancient woodlands where I knew it would be mud free and spectacular with the bluebells nestling on the forest floor among the brambles and stinging nettles as bright green as the parakeets’ tail feathers.


Along the approach road hubs stopped and said,

“Either you slow your pace or let me drop behind!’  I had his hand firmly clasped in mine.

“I’m walking too fast?’ I asked in surprise.

“Yes, and I’m gasping!”  Hubs is a good walker now.

“That inhaler really must be working,” I said, “I’m not even keeping up my usual pace.”


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