I think if I had more practice, driving in the dark wouldn’t be so bad. Unlike Hubs I do not memorise the route so each curve, each bridge, each pothole is a surprise in the half ...
I was talking to my son, Mr. Window to the Wild, and father of our grand-daughters, Sophie Sparrow and Avery Wren aged 5 & 3 respectively, who asked me, “Mum, how do I raise ...
I know only too well the sneaky touch of the enemy. Like a wasp that flies past silently, lightly brushing my arm, a gentle sigh, leaving a welt that swells and burns and rages for ...
The year 2020 was an odd one and when I went to write my Christmas letter I had a stirring temptation to simply put, “Dear Family & Friends, This year, apart from our visit to ...
This week the temperatures have been very pleasant in the morning. I find I am almost frisky when the air is brisk and I have to wear a sweater to keep the chill out for the first few ...
I’ve been tossed away like a piece of flotsam, Cast adrift in a sea of confusion. Drowned in a bay of decisions. Tangled in a torrent of lies. Left floating in a river of ...
In the mornings I pass a cow field belonging to a neighbour on the lane. She has three new calves and they have names, I don’t know how wise that is when you plan to have them ...
Walking first thing in the morning is compelling. At 6am I close my eyes and swing my legs out of bed sliding on my flip-flops and unplugging my phone, tricking my brain into thinking ...
In September this year we kept our neighbour’s Jack Russell for about ten days… She reminds me so much of one of my parents’ dogs that I find myself doing a double ...
We are studying Revelation at church, been at it for almost a year now, and I have spent a lot of time meditating on what it means to be Blessed. Chapter 1 verse 3 reads: “Blessed ...
Well hello there! My name is Vivienne McNeny.
I am an empty nester exploring life as a Boomer…you could say I'm happily Boomering along!
As a homeschooling Mum I have finally quit the job of role model and mentor to my four children. I do what I want to do, eat when I feel like it, enjoy life with my blue eyed cowboy and clean my house once a month or so whether it needs it or not!
In true English form I write about the emergence of my true identity now that I can no longer hide behind my children as their Mum.