We’ve had a dry spring at Footlights. It seems that when the forecast is promising rain our little neck of the woods gets nothing so I have to drag my hose around my beds and ...
The week after Easter Hubs and I took a little getaway to a part of America I’ve never been, the Carolinas. After a quick flight we waited almost 3 hours at Charleston airport for ...
I’ve had lower back pain since my mid to late twenties. Everything to do with over flexibility, high arabesques, dazzling contretemps, amazingly flat turn outs and a lot of peer ...
In December we had some more visiting animals. This time a small herd of miniature horse. Oh my gosh, how adorable! They weren’t interested in carrots, although I did offer, and ...
Slowly God is returning my time to me and I’m faithfully loosening my grip. Subbing at school is dwindling and there are whole months when I feel as though I’m getting lost ...
The time had come for us to re-decorate. I don’t quite know why we chose to repaint the kitchen; Perhaps because it was August and we were having summer-holiday-fever. We wanted ...
Texas’ weather is as unpredictable as England’s. This summer was no exception. Remembering 2011 – – our sons were living alone at Collins while we were in London ...
I love to hang out my washing. The sheets and pillow cases, the t-shirts and shorts, the pj’s and frocks, that dance and cavort on the line until dry. Folded while crisp and ...
I once heard a photographer say, “You’re trying to draw the viewer’s attention to what you’re seeing.” The same with words; the writer or speaker is ...
To be honest I really wasn’t surprised by what I found when I entered my uncle’s house that first day. It had not been renovated and as I’ve said before, I suspect the ...
Well hello there! My name is Vivienne McNeny.
I am an empty nester exploring life as a Boomer…you could say I'm happily Boomering along!
As a homeschooling Mum I have finally quit the job of role model and mentor to my four children. I do what I want to do, eat when I feel like it, enjoy life with my blue eyed cowboy and clean my house once a month or so whether it needs it or not!
In true English form I write about the emergence of my true identity now that I can no longer hide behind my children as their Mum.