High Streets, Pubs, Restaurants and Graveyards….
High Streets, Pubs, Restaurants and Graveyards….
/ July 23, 2024 0 COMMENTS
We love High Streets; In America I think the equivalent would be downtown although ...
My Uncle Tone…
My Uncle Tone…
/ February 25, 2022 0 COMMENTS
It had been 56 years since my Uncle Tony, Tone to his parents, bought his three-bedroomed house in Littlehampton. He had been a single man of 31, around the age of my children now, and ...
Going Home…
Going Home…
/ February 18, 2022 1 COMMENTS
Home should be where my heart is and for the most part it is. America is where my family lives, Footlights is where Hubs and I dwell, This, of course, is where my heart is. ...
/ February 12, 2022 1 COMMENTS
My brother and I interred our late uncle’s ashes shortly before my six week visit to London ended. I took no photographs of the ceremony; ‘I wanted to stay focused’ I ...
Clearing House…
Clearing House…
/ January 27, 2022 1 COMMENTS
In January we took a six week trip to London to clean out my late uncle’s house in preparation for selling it. We interspersed our travels out of the city with activities we love ...
/ January 20, 2022 0 COMMENTS
Throughout our six week stay in London we had no car and travelled by train with the occasional taxi thrown in to get us from station to high street if needs be. It was just as well ...
Travel Angst…
Travel Angst…
/ January 14, 2022 0 COMMENTS
Travelling is a stressful pursuit. Especially when travelling involves an airport. Even more so when travelling internationally. Add in Covid 19 precautions and the stress factor goes ...
Christmas Greeting…
Christmas Greeting…
/ January 2, 2022 0 COMMENTS
We’ve had a very busy year! It seemed to start with a very bad snow storm in early February, transforming everything but causing major power outs throughout the state. My live oak ...
Advent 4…Love Unrivalled
Advent 4…Love Unrivalled
/ December 22, 2021 0 COMMENTS
This is the fourth week in Advent; and Christmas week. We just had the Winter Solstice and from now on the days will begin to slowly linger. Four candles are lit on our wreath and we ...
Advent 3:  The Greatest Joy…
Advent 3: The Greatest Joy…
/ December 15, 2021 0 COMMENTS
Our third candle is lit this week and we meditate on Joy. I remember very vividly a feeling of great delight that swept over me when I turned a corner in Rome and saw the Colosseum ...
Advent 2.  A Peace that Surpasses all Understanding…
Advent 2. A Peace that Surpasses all Understanding…
/ December 9, 2021 0 COMMENTS
In the second week of Advent we light two candles on our wreath and meditate on Peace. There is something inside us that craves peace. We seek it through our culture, or education or ...