High Streets, Pubs, Restaurants and Graveyards….
High Streets, Pubs, Restaurants and Graveyards….
/ July 23, 2024 0 COMMENTS
We love High Streets; In America I think the equivalent would be downtown although ...
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You Know You’re in the Countryside…
/ September 5, 2022 0 COMMENTS
I love to hang out my washing. The sheets and pillow cases, the t-shirts and shorts, the pj’s and frocks, that dance and cavort on the line until dry. Folded while crisp and ...
Worldview: Seeing & Hearing Differently…
Worldview: Seeing & Hearing Differently…
/ June 3, 2022 1 COMMENTS
I once heard a photographer say, “You’re trying to draw the viewer’s attention to what you’re seeing.” The same with words; the writer or speaker is ...
Throwing Away My Uncle’s Life…
Throwing Away My Uncle’s Life…
/ April 21, 2022 0 COMMENTS
To be honest I really wasn’t surprised by what I found when I entered my uncle’s house that first day. It had not been renovated and as I’ve said before, I suspect the ...
A Task and a Half at Malin Road…
A Task and a Half at Malin Road…
/ April 14, 2022 0 COMMENTS
At the beginning of 2020 Hubs and I travelled to England for a cultural break. It was January, no-one goes to England in the winter for the weather, and since London is my hometown and ...
The Visitor Never the Visited…
The Visitor Never the Visited…
/ April 7, 2022 0 COMMENTS
Once I graduated from college and left England to live in Texas my relationship with my Uncle was relegated to regular as clockwork cards on birthdays, Christmas and Easter. All simply ...
A God Moment…
A God Moment…
/ March 30, 2022 0 COMMENTS
I had a God moment when I walked into a classroom at McKinney Christian Academy one morning and saw a graphing exercise the students had put together on the white board. Close up it ...
A Charmed and Magical Life….
A Charmed and Magical Life….
/ March 21, 2022 0 COMMENTS
One of our first stops when we returned from London was to go and visit our grand-daughters who live on a bird facility, owned by their parents, called Window to the Wild Theirs is a ...
/ March 17, 2022 1 COMMENTS
Below freezing days mean coats for the horses. Even the ones who spend all their time outside and are hardy. Especially the ones who are older and more susceptible to chilly weather. ...
Firmly in His Grip…
Firmly in His Grip…
/ March 10, 2022 0 COMMENTS
Years ago in back and forth communications with friends I’d close my emails or cards with, “Firmly in His Grip.” I have no idea where it came from but I know it ...
Icy Days…
Icy Days…
/ March 1, 2022 0 COMMENTS
Ice storm number three this year hit Footlights last week, It was our welcome home from a six week trip to London. “I’d own up to bringing the bad weather with me,” I ...