Increased Energy…

When I read reports that exercising regularly and eating particular foods increases energy levels and reverses the aging process I usually jump  on the band wagon.  Who doesn’t want to keep going and going and look ten years younger?

Up until a year ago all I ever experienced, when following these health advisories, were increased hunger pangs, because fruit and nuts weren’t nearly as satisfying as my meat and potatoes, and an overwhelming desire to take a nap after my morning Jazzercise workout.

With no added energy to speak of and loose skin on the prowl as body continued its plummet earthwards, I employed both hair colour and make-up to keep the aging process at bay, and caffeine to keep me perky and alert until I could stretch, yawn loudly and announce,

“I’m going for a read, I’ll see you in the morning!”

Further research into the reversal of aging, which is a big deal among us boomers, revealed the truth.  Sadly, it doesn’t mean all of a sudden I’ll begin to look 30 again!  Plastic surgery is the only way to achieve that deceit!

What age reversal means is a slowing down of the aging process not a going back as the word reversal implies.  Oh well, with texting and tweeting words do get mis-interpreted and re-defined.

In a whole lot more than 140 words then, this it what it means to me:

Aches and pains may diminish with gentle Yoga stretching, litres of slowly imbibed water and occasional use of Ibuprofen;

Wrinkles on my face may stop forming if I keep it absolutely expressionless, indulge in regular microdermabrasions and use a moisturiser with SPF 50;

Muscles may tone up and make my limbs look more attractive, clothed, with regular Spin classes and a healthy routine of daily squats and free weights;

The spring may return to my step when I abandon cheap flip flops and wear sensible shoes with aero-dynamic inner soles.

A bowl of fruit with plain yogurt may help my brain and keep me regular but I never feel,

the pep of energy that comes with my first cup of coffee,

the buzz that accompanies a glass of wine on Fridays,

the fleeting high of a sugar rush after eating a Mars bar.

It just doesn’t happen…

…at least not immediately.

However, during my year away, the year I learned how to find my inner self; the year I was no longer on 24/7 as the role model, the perfect parent, the mentor; I discovered a mainspring of energy, from deep within.

It had been there all along only it had been expended faithfully, dutifully, expectantly, on four other persons and their dog and evaporated quickly, leaving me…well…yawning and ready for that read…

This re-discovered well of energy is more efficient,

now that I no longer worry, stress, fret or hyperventilate over things beyond my control, have learned to breathe properly and am on the cusp of empty-nest-hood.

Really, being more mindful, breathing in and out deeply and releasing dependents to the wild has conserved energy and added a natural boost to my life.

My Star Barista daughter, who opens the coffee shop at 5am each morning, is bemused when I wave goodbye,

“Why don’t you sleep in?  If I didn’t have to get up I wouldn’t…”   she’s right, she isn’t me at all!

I find I am now both a morning and a evening person.



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