Let’s Go To The Y.M.C.A.

As I would never fall into any of the above-mentioned categories, well, perhaps the gross ones at some point in my life, I bristle if anyone uses the C adjective about me.  Having said that, I have been called cute a time or two, and survived, but no-one makes the mistake of using the word twice to describe the way I look.

Late one afternoon I was completing one of my grueling stay-at-homes by snatching five to take a shower.  As I was drying my hair I decided to take advantage of my fully paid up, family membership, to a snazzy fitness centre aka the Young Men’s Christian Association, where my daughter was working as a Lifeguard.  I made sure I was dressed appropriately so as not to embarrass my child-unit.  I thoughtfully attired myself in a sweat suit because I had to have a free tour of all the weight machines before I could get my, Nifty Little Code.  This NLC, when entered correctly at each exercise machine, automatically hooked up with the main Y computer which would have all my personal information once I had finished with my tour.  A bright display screen would inform me of the amount of weight I needed to lift and how many repetitions I needed to make to keep my body trim and attractive.  Woo-hoo!  I needed this after four babies and thousands of stay-at-homes.

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