Proffering My Seat…

The toilet seats in our flat leave a lot to be desired.

They are white, plastic little numbers which slip and slide around the porcelain.

Hardly conducive for a serious session in the library.

So…hubby and I hight tailed it to the nearest Home Base, a couple of tram rides and a bus trip away, to buy ourselves some classy wooden replacements.

We left the shop, mission accomplished only there were no bags big enough to discretely disguise our purchase.  Travelling by public transport has its disadvantages.  We made lots of jokes during our walk to the bus and tram stops to hide our embarrassment.

“Have toilet seat, will travel.”

“Don’t leave home without it.”

“We(e) are prepared.”

“Just doo it!”

Fun, fun, fun!  We traipsed through the streets and on and off busses and trams  our bathroom accessories in full view, firmly clutched to our sides.

I sat down on the last tram and next to me was a sign,

“Priority seating, offer your seat to an elderly or disabled person.”

Dootifully I mock proffered my toilet seat to the first person I noticed standing in the aisle.

Keen to test ride our new purchases my handi-hubby set to work.

Ahh, the difference!

“Thanks hubs,” I said as he emerged from the smallest room in the house rolling down his shirt sleeves,

“No worries,” he replied, “I’m wiped out!”

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