Coming Home…

I find it difficult to come home.

This time, after a whirlwind week in London, was no exception.  I wanted to creep back in under the radar and after 22 hours of non-stop travel I really just wanted to arrive, be whisked home and go straight to bed.  But I had a healthy, eager family to deal with.  They were longingly awaiting my arrival and I wanted so much to be invisible.  But I smiled and hugged and said I was tired.  I got ready for bed and said goodnight…all civilised  stuff.  The children got on with their lives, enjoying one another’s company, I retreated to my bed in silence, read for a while and crashed.

In the morning I found a meal and a bottle of champagne in the fridge.  Someone had had higher expectations than me.  After 26 years of home comings, there is still this romantic notion that all my weariness will drop to the floor and it will be honeymoon time all over again.

“But I’ve missed you…”

“I’ve only been gone a week!”

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