Explosive Display…

We had another long trip out to Heathrow today.

When we entrusted our son to the waiting wings of his aeroplane, a couple of days ago,  I commented to Hubs that it seemed a long time since we’d been at the airport.  It had been three fun filled weeks.

This morning we were at the barriers where the passengers exit,

“Is this the only place where they come out?” an anxious lady beside me asked,

it hardly seemed like anytime since I had heard a voice behind me saying,

“Who are you meeting?” and turned to see my son’s smiling face.

My daughter swept through the doors her face alight with anticipation.  She caught sight of us and ran!  In our direction I noted satisfactorily.

We made the return journey with her, striding fast, paying no attention to the fact that she may want to drink in the sights; we wanted to get her home.

Her first meal request had been crumpets, followed by fish and chips in the evening.  We knocked the first one out in no time, joining her in the kitchen with our mugs of tea, propping up the counters because our kitchen table was serving time as an office desk in the living room.

Another of her requests had been to accompany us shopping, for food.  Our children love the novelty of the English food halls.  Lots of items crammed in little spaces.  Eggs in the middle of the spice aisle, bread in with the tea and coffee.

This afternoon, armed with the wheelie basket and a wallet she and I headed to Sainsbury’s.

Hubs was in Bromley buying something secret…our anniversary is tomorrow…I think.  I never get the date right always wanting it to be 24th October despite proof on our marriage certificate to the contrary.

Fireworks were the new item on sale this afternoon at the shops!

Having an explosives’ display in the middle of the flowers and milk was a really startling experience,

I half expected to be offered samples.

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