Finding His Face…

I am in a maudlin mood today.

This block of flats makes me feel my age, I’ve said that before.

I was speaking to my sister in law, in Texas, this weekend who had just lost her mother and discovered we’d both been thinking the same thing,

We’re the older generation now…”  We both said.

Not exactly a thought that would make me leap up and shout for joy.  Well, with my hips and knees the way they are at the moment, I don’t even know if I could leap for joy even I wanted to.

I don’t know if I’ll be glad to get home away from all this or whether my advancing years will advance right along with me.

What I do know is I miss my children and catch myself imagining them at my age, and then I quickly calculate, the brain’s still wiry, how old I’ll be and I start feeling my age again. A vicious circle.

I don’t want to miss any more moments of their lives, though they make sure I don’t miss too many even now having iPhones and skype.

I also miss my friends.  I realised that hubs, bless his heart, is the only person I speak to face to face, for weeks on end, unless you call saying “good morning” at church or offering “peace” before communion, or exchanging a few words about nectar cards and payments at the checkout, speaking?

Hubs is good company don’t get me wrong.  He loves silly bathroom jokes and man-talk about broken vacuum cleaners, sharing the front page news report about another uprising somewhere or other or reading me his latest correspondence from the National Health, but no girl talk.

I am used to a veritable multitude of friends wandering through my days and weeks, meeting my needs, suiting my moods and changing my perspectives.

The other morning I found myself talking to a homeless person on the street.  I smiled, exchanged a few words, nothing deep.  I’m telling you, I’m missing idle chatter, deep spiritual exchanges, book discussions, academic discussions, different voices.

Perhaps God gave me a small gift that morning.  After all we are charged to find His face in everyone we meet.

The only problem is, I’m finding the same face over and over again and I need some variety!


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