Cordon Bleu…

I’ve always had a good appetite, never one to watch my weight, at least not too much.  As long as I work out and don’t go too crazy with the bread to beat all breads here in England, to say nothing of the cheese, I can eat pretty much what I want to, and I do when my youngest daughter is around.

Ahh, those cream teas last summer!

Growing up my children will always remember me being the last to finish my meal, not because I ate slowly but because I took larger portions than most!

My mother hardly ever ate with us.  She would cook and place food before us but she would usually save her meal for when Daddy came home later.

Her soft spot was chocolate.  She never turned down a Mars bar or a Fry’s Chocolate Creme and Black Magic was her all time favourite box, or was it Quality Street?

Last weekend with Malia home we had a good excuse to both cook and eat with her.

She loves her food too and does enough dancing to keep the jiggles at bay.

We dished up in the kitchen and I was the last to load my plate with my burger, roasties and chips….I know, two sets of potatoes but the chips were leftovers from the night before!

Hubs and daughter were already at the table waiting to say grace when I plonked my plate down to twin peals of laughter.

I looked around, their plates had china showing, mine was overflowing!



My first line of defense was I thought the rest was mine, but really, are we going Cordon Bleu or something?

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