Dream Book…

I keep a dream book.  This is not a wishful thinking journal it is a book in which I record any dreams that have been remembered long enough to make it to the breakfast table.  Anyone can contribute.

Every now and again we’ll pull it out and read through the crazy dreams.  Sometimes, as we turn the pages, one of my dreams will show up, but I’m not very good at holding on to my subconscious musings until breakfast.  My husband never dreams.  I correct him saying,

“You dream, you just don’t remember your dreams.”

So mostly the book is made up of the children’s dreams.

This morning though, he held on to a dream.  It was about our house, which wasn’t our house, and our children, when they were young, and other people’s children, their friends, and two bear cubs, in our living room.  There were four adult bears in our back garden looking in.  We were trying to shoo the bear cubs outside to their parents.  The adult bears grew agitated thinking we were hurting their cubs.  My husband went for his gun.  Just in case.  In the meantime homeschool freinds started showing up,

“For the educational value of seeing real, live bears?” I suggested while he was telling me the dream.

“No, to set up paddling pools in our front garden for their children to splash around in!!”

The angry adult bears began to break in and my husband realised he only had one bullet and as he was thinking,

“one bullet will not a bear kill!”  He woke up!

“Now what was that all about?”  he asked me, his dream teller.

“Something to do with empty nest syndrome,”  I suggested, “yes, you’re worried, not only about your children leaving home but other children leaving home too.  Oh no, you’re going to be an empty nester for us and all our friends…!!”

It’s going in the dream book!

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