My Heart’s Intaglio…

Posting and other writings go by the wayside when there are guests at home; even more so when those guests are offspring.

Today has been the first full day in almost a month when I have been able to write undisturbed.  I did, for two hours, then I had to walk.  I’d run out of furniture to move!

Saying goodbye, again, was not in the plans when we first moved here.  But then, what has been in the plans since that fateful day?  The children don’t have the vast farewell experience I have, so they came to visit, thinking of arrivals without considering departures.

When I sit quietly, usually with a book propped on my knee to give an appearance of reading, an un-summoned sadness overwhelms me.  I have had enough practice at banishing unwelcome thoughts to know how to combat these anxiety-ridden ponderings.  This one though, is etched like an intaglio on my heart producing a near perfect image which bubbles and surges like the incoming tide, backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards until I lose my resolve and the battle.

The tears trickle behind the scenes as I replay the image of my three children left standing on the curb outside our family home in Garland.

Saying goodbye that day was the hardest thing I have ever done.

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