Shopping Laughter…

I was at World Market this week loitering among the ornaments and boxes of Christmas crackers,


when I noticed a young lady reach into a basket of goodies and describe, to someone on the other end of her phone, what she was holding aloft,

“It’s about 12 inches high and 8 inches wide,

“With a sweater on,

“Shaped rather like a bottle,

“Only it’s flat.

“There’s a screw cap on it,

“Perhaps you can drink out of it….?”

She met my eyes and told her phone,

“Ooops, I think I’m being a bit loud here,” and smiled at me.

“It’s a hot water bottle,” I told her,


“You take it to bed with you…”

“It’s to take to bed…” she told whoever she was talking to.

“You fill it up with hot water and it keeps you warm under the covers…”  I explained.

“Oh, it’s for your feet!”  She exclaimed to us both!

We laughed!

“Merry Christmas shopping,” I said.

“You too, and thanks!” she replied.

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2015-12-23 19:37:10 Reply

Great story. Wonder if she bought it?

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