The End of Year Crush…

We’ve just taken all our decorations down…and the house looks bare, but it’s time to move on into the season of Epiphany.

I am glad to have the holidays behind me although the memories will sweeten many a rainy afternoon.

Christmas Day saw the start of an action packed week spread over two weekends!

Happily the nativity was a sunny day and after talking to those abroad and six hours ahead in England,

those of us on American soil exchanged snap shots of where we all were at that moment on this auspicious day,

On our way to GrandMa's House

On our way to GrandMa’s House


On our way to g'mama's...

On our way to g’mama’s…

At Sam's parents'

At Sam’s parents’


At home in Fort Worth

At home in California

At home in California

For a moment we were all together courtesy of iMessage on our phones!  Amazing!

At Grandmama’s, also the home of a brother, in-laws, cousins and nephews, we exchanged gifts, tossed salads and stirred cream gravy,

before retiring to Footlights for a peaceful afternoon in the grounds of our now cleared and spacious parklands with our wild bird, tiny house dwelling, married couple,


our youngest son and his lovely wife whom we only see briefly when we visit their place of work, The Blind Butcher on Lower Greenville.

We talked, took photos, chatted some more, walked, cooked,


shot off some rounds of ammo to keep up with the neighbors,



opened presents and put the world to rights.

We ate a European meal of stuffed pork loin, red cabbage and hot German potato salad…

Not traditional at all…unless you’re a counter cultural McNeny…

We rounded it off with Christmas plum pudding and brandy butter.

We said our farewells at gone 10pm and retired to the sound of rain and a strong wind whistling through the treetops.

The next day saw us sharing food, conversation and gifts with our youngest daughter/dancer and her boyfriend.

We drank tea and ate chocolates before going off to get dressed for the annual Boxing Day party that has been on hiatus for a few years while we travelled homelessly.

In true Texas style the weather heated up and we opened our doors and windows and milled with friends enjoying high tea and fellowship.

Unbeknownst to us tornados were touching down in our old stomping grounds.

The following day at mass we prayed for those affected by the storms around us.

We then headed off to Burleson in the rain to visit our teacher-daughter, her friend and their dogs.


More gifts abounded and we enjoyed a few hours playing cards, eating meatballs, making chicken soup and drinking coffee.

The following week was chokker block with more festivities,

My birthday…

…followed by New Year’s Eve at the winery…

…and Daughts’ birthday on Saturday…


We shopped at Ikea, worshipped, were wined and dined by family members with Mexican food for lunch and dinner.

We cooked steaks over an open fire, popped champagne, danced the two step, listened to country music and enjoyed whoever happened to be around.

Now that I have had a week to recoup and attempt to pick up the threads of my life before the holidays I have come to the realization that for me,

There are two reasons for the season:

The celebration of God becoming incarnate and gifting all of us with salvation and,

Keeping company with those we love, either face to face or magically on our hand held devices.


Purple Power

With both we will be blessed and guided wherever we may be,

Strengthened when we stand,

Comforted when discouraged or sorrowful,

Raised up if we fall,

And reminded that God’s peace will abide in our hearts all the days of our lives.  Amen.

(Adapted from the birthday blessing in The Book of Common Prayer 830)

Have a blessed and safe,

Healthy and rich,

2016 with all those you hold dear!

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