Our Nest is Still Their Casa…

We are in the process of completing “empty nest.”

Soon all our children will be gone from our house leaving us to rattle around the wattle and plaster walls of our home, alone.

They may no longer sleep under our roof but the nest still reverberates with their presence.

They may leave and declare themselves “independent” but who do they call when:

they need the name of a plumber?

they reversed into a BMW in the drive through?

they are lost on their way home from somewhere, even if it isn’t in Texas?  (And yes, I know this is the day of the iPhone genius, but they still need to hear a warm, loving, voice when they are panicked in the middle of nowhere.)

they need a recipe for an old family favourite?

they are overdrawn and don’t know where all their money has gone?

they threw up all night?

they need help changing the brakes?

they need help moving…again…?

Christmas rolls around and they wonder where their stocking is?

they want to know who sang….?

the algae is defeating them in the pool?

they just need to whine?

they lost their job?

Emotionally, supportively and financially our nest is still their casa.

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Malia the Daughter

2011-09-11 05:34:51 Reply

Keep posting great blogs, I check it regularly!

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