Walking In Woods & Around Ponds…

While walking in the slightly cooler weather around our pond across the field I took this barren looking view of the road and the apartments beyond.


The heron was skittish and I photo bombed the shot with my shadow!


The trees don’t seem to be growing much despite the pond serving as a creek overflow, the conditions are exceptionally dry in this lower part of the flood plain.


The smell from the exposed mud bottoms was over powering along a portion of the path.  At first I thought it was a natural smell wafting across the roads from country fields where horses and cows were grazing.  Hubs put me straight!

When we stroll through our woods behind the Kroger store we enter the dark depths through this pathway, hubs won’t let me come here alone.


As we walked we came across a tree that had fallen and was blocking our path,


It really does look deserty and barren back here doesn’t it?  Full of fire-ants and rattle snakes.  No wonder this is not a solo walk.  The sky is beautiful don’t you agree?


The city keeps a cleared pathway for our safety and walking pleasure, only one man-wide though, so we walk single file.


There is another pond in the neighbourhood where I used to take the children to feed the ducks.  Today there are no ducks and this view from the other side is still and lazy,

PondonCollinsTired of the brown grass and unkempt look of the local streets I walked along a small road that had been forgotten by cars and stood in the shade of well tended trees overhanging a garden where it is always tea-time,




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