
This morning while walking I was thoroughly amused by this field of young steer.


As I pass they start to get up, awkwardly onto their front legs first, going through a brief down-dog before getting their haunches off the ground to stand and stare.

I wave and say,

“Hello fellows!”

They watch me as I walk to the top of the road.

By the time I’ve turned around they are waiting expectantly.  With only a barbed wire fence between me and hundreds of pounds of beef I am reluctant to make any sudden moves so I walk by talking softly to them,

“Look at the two of you, pretty boys….”


Something about me sets a food trigger off in their heads and they begin, slowly at first, to make a beef-line for the barns at the top of the field.

I am empty handed and on foot, carrying no visible food but I am imagining their tummies are gurgling with anticipation!

Finally they can hold back no longer and break into a run,

The sight completely makes my day and I remember to thank God for bringing me to this lovely place called Weston, Texas.

Daughts is amazed,

“They never follow me!” she complains, “everybody loves you Mum!”


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