Setting Goals…
Setting Goals…
/ September 19, 2012 0 COMMENTS

Sometimes setting goals can be clear. When I arrived home for example, I set some short term and long term goals. Short term goals included cleaning my house. Long term goals embraced a wider loop of aspirations which include the sale of our house, the buying of somewhere new to live and my future, now…

Tomorrow’s Pearls of Wisdom…
Tomorrow’s Pearls of Wisdom…
/ September 18, 2012 0 COMMENTS

Parents of young adults have to be so careful with their opinions. Words are offered thoughtfully, we don’t want to appear pushy, we definitely don’t want to start a fight and heaven forbid we don’t want to intrude on their semi-independent lives. Biting our tongues brings essential pain that pays off in the end, blood…

Mattress Saga…
Mattress Saga…
/ September 17, 2012 0 COMMENTS

Daughts has a queen size bed in her room. When we moved to England she went from a twin to a full and loved the added wriggle space. On our recent return to America a friend was getting rid of all his furniture so daughts agreed to take his queen bed with box springs. Two…

The Red Headed Stepchild…
The Red Headed Stepchild…
/ September 13, 2012 0 COMMENTS

I bought  a red car.  It is not only red it is another PT Cruiser, this time christened, Rosa-bella, Rosie for short. I know the caution about red cars, the urban legend about them attracting more speeding tickets than their other coloured counterparts, but I drive one all the same and I rather like the…

My Beckenham Eyes…
My Beckenham Eyes…
/ September 12, 2012 0 COMMENTS

The weather has cooled off sufficiently and I ventured out for a walk yesterday evening. I asked daughts if she would like to come with me, she declined. I asked hubs, he also declined spurring daughts to say, “You should go Dad, I don’t think you should let Mum go alone.” Have you read my…

Flash Bulb Memories…
/ September 11, 2012 0 COMMENTS

Research now says that flash bulb memories don’t survive the passage of time quite as accurately as scientists first thought. They become about as reliable as our ordinary memories although we imagine they are perfect for who could ever forget where we were on that fateful September morning in 2001, or when we heard J.F.Kennedy…

Computer Eyed Eyewear…
Computer Eyed Eyewear…
/ September 10, 2012 0 COMMENTS

I was sent a pair of Computer Eyed Eyewear to test and review. I had printed the reading chart, found on their website, to the exact proportions and tested my vision, without my glasses as instructed, in order to determine the strength I would need. They arrived, a lovely, stylish pair of red readers with…

Childish Influences…
Childish Influences…
/ September 6, 2012 0 COMMENTS

I told a friend of mine that while hubs and I were taking our Gap Year in England we noticed that without children our relationship changed. Not in a life shattering way but subtly. There weren’t so many cross words or irritated silences to start with.  There were no childish influences on our lives; there…

The Mud of the Rut…
The Mud of the Rut…
/ September 5, 2012 0 COMMENTS

I managed to physically get out of my rut.  I shrugged everything off my back, shook the dust from my feet and breathed deeply. In the past when I moved on I never went back.  However, friends and houses and dogs handle abandonment better than my children and the Mum inside. Up to a few…

Taking off the Guilt…
Taking off the Guilt…
/ September 4, 2012 0 COMMENTS

My brother and I went to school around the corner from our house in London.  Our garden backed onto the convent playing fields and teachers would jokingly tell my father to throw us over the wall! He never took them up on their suggestion! We would walk home for lunch every day and as we…