Cultural Confusion…

I look at some of the young people and listen to them on the bus and wonder how their lives are going to pan out?

They have left school and are working, maybe they’ve been working for a few years now, and they can hardly talk.  No job as receptionist or even waitress for them. Definitely not for any company where announcements are made to inform the public of goings on.

I’ve told some of the stories from my daughter’s school and the silliness she encounters during lunchtime conversations.

The latest dealt with the extra day in February which caused 2012 to be a leap year.

Genially including Malia in their conversation she was asked,

“Do you have Leap Year in America?”

Today it was presumed she didn’t have zoos where she came from so she was handed passes to Colchester Zoo.

I had to admit that at a function hubs and I attended yesterday some older ladies were expressing their ignorance about America when we asked, in reponse to their statement, “I’ve been to America,” “Oh whereabouts?”

They gave the name of some remote town which ended up being in the ‘State of Tulsa,’ they thought.

“Oh, you mean Oklahoma,” hubs said as politely as possible.

Ignorance spans all ages it seems.

I mentioned to my skyping buddy and daughter,

“I look at a map regularly just to get a picture in my mind of where countries are in relationship to my location.”

“That isn’t such a shabby idea,” she opined!

Perhaps the girls my daughter is associating with are getting their cultures confused.

Perhaps the state curriculum, in its frantic attempt to please every ethnic group on its fair shores, is imposing too much diversity too quickly and their students are leaving school before they have a chance to put all the pieces in their proper places.


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