Going White…

While I was in England last year I decided to stop colouring my hair.  I wasn’t in England for a few weeks, I was there for a year and it took me seven months of faffing around with expensive hairdressers to get my hair sufficiently grown out and denuded of bottle colour to enable me to venture outside without a hat.  Not that there were many days last year when going hatless in London was an option, just saying!

When I returned to America and my trusted hairdresser I had her cut my chin length bob thus revealing my whiteness in all its glory!  Thanks to my grandmother and healthy genes I have a thick head of hair that looks fabulous au naturel…had I only sussed this out years ago, but I was too young and what did I know back then!?

I have been hit on and chatted up more since my bold move than I ever was when I was a common or garden brunette! I told my hairdresser this and we wondered why?

I stand out;

I am bold;

I exude confidence;

I am being honest;

I look like fun;

Sometimes it is disconcerting to catch men and women staring at me!

And because I can no longer go out and blend in I make much, much more of an effort to look my best in public.

A swish of blusher, a dab of powder and a smear of lipstick and I’m ready to ctch anyone’s eye.

My smile says I’ve nothing to hide!


And I haven’t!

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