Tiger Creek…

One particularly lazy Saturday we decided to go to Tiger Creek.

Billboards advertised this Wildlife Refuge as we neared our exit for Hideaway and since we’d never taken the children, don’t ask me why, hubs and I decided to go and investigate!

It houses lions, leopards, pumas and of course its namesake the tigers, in varying stripes, colours, sizes and personalities and the tours are very informative, given by unpaid interns who sign up for 3 month stints.


Our guide, who was heading home in a couple of weeks somewhere up north, told us she was coming back once she’d saved up for another three month term.  Her ambition, she told us, was to become a keeper but first she had to complete four, three month internships in order to qualify for the keeper programme.

Four rounds of unpaid service, that’s dedication for you!

The cats were enjoying the sunny day.


Watching them I found myself yawning half way through the tour.  The temperature was brisk and the rays weren’t putting out much heat.

We did have our usual picnic.  There were tables as we were leaving the refuge and I decided eating something may wake me up!



I wondered was it all the spraying scents in the air that lulled me to sleep?


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